Detailed description of Magento hosting ordering process.

The process of starting the Magento hosting service can be divided into 2 main parts:

Ordering a service

Step 1: Go to Shop Magento subpage

Go to web page and from the top navigation menu select Web Shops. Then click the last position in the menu - Shop Magento 50GB

Scroll down to the product description section. If you need further information about shop features use the link just above order button 1. To begin order process click "Order now" button 2.

Step 2: Complete your order - confirm chosen product and select billing cycle

This step takes place on a shopping cart screen. You can confirm that you have selected the right product here 1 and choose the billing cycle that suits you 2. On the right column you can see summary of your order with total price for all selected options 3.

Step 3: Complete your order - domain name

The next step in ordering process is domain configuration. To use your hosting features like web shop or e-mail you need a domain name.You can get one in 3 ways:

  1. Register new domain name. You can search for a new domain name and add its registration to the shopping cart. Registration price may vary depending on chosen domain type.
  2. Transfer domain name. If you have domain name registered in other registrar you can transfer it to us. Please note that to initiate the transfer you need to aquire AuthInfo code from current registrar.
  3. Use owned domain. If you have domain name registered in other registrar you can configure it to use our hosting services instead of transferring it. You will get an email with instructions how to set it up after placing your order. Please note that in this case, you will still need to maintain the domain with your current registrar. Our invoice will not contain any fee regarding to your domain. To use your own domain type its name and press "Use" button
Step 4: Complete your order - available addons

You can add a paid SSL certificate to improve your shop security here. Please note that we provide a basic SSL certificate from Let's Encrypt free of charge.

Step 5: Complete your order - billing details

To complete your order you need to provide billing details. If you have created an account with us before you can login here to use data from your account.

If you are new customer and haven't registered account with us before you need to create one here. Fill up a registration form and your account will be created during placing an order.

Step 6 (optional): Complete your order - domain registrant information

This step is optional and appears only if you've selected to register new domain earlier. You may specify alternative registered contact details for the domain registration here.

If you are registering a domain on your own behalf, you can skip this section, data from your account will be used.

Step 7: Complete your order - payment details

To place an order you need to provide payment details. If you have already made a purchase from us before you can use saved payment details.

If this is your first purchase from us you need to provide all necessary details of your payment method.

Step 8 (optional): Complete your order - additional notes

If you would like to pass any additional notes to us regarding your order, you can write them here.

Step 9: Complete your order - accept terms and checkout

After you provide all necessary information regarding your order you can proceed to checkout. Before you can place an order you need to accept our Terms and conditions. You can do it by selecting the checkbox in the column on the right side of the screen. 1

Then you can click the "Checkout" button to place the order. 2

Step 10: Complete your order - order confirmation

If you provided all the required information correctly your order will be placed and you will below confirmation screen.

Now, you can click "Continue To Client Area" button to go to client dashboard. Please note that all new orders need to be approved. You will see pending status in your client dashboard. Once we accept your order status will change to active and you will be able to start installing Magento app following this guide.

Important notice!

Due to technical reason services Web App Magento and Web App Hosting can not be purchased on one customer account. If you need to order both services you must create 2 accounts, one for each service.

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