Customer Dahsboard - Domains
Every website or webshop needs a domain name, so you need to register one in order to run any internet service. The domain section of our customer dashboard contains tools needed for complete domain managing. In order to access it just click the domain icon in sidebar menu or a domain tile on the main screen of customer dashboard.
Please note that our domain management tool is intended for domains registered or transferred via our website only. You can still use our services with domain registered elsewhere, but in that case you need to configure DNS settings in your current registrar accordingly and that domain won't show up in our management tool.
If you want to register new domain or transfer already registered one click "Add New" button or use sidebar menu to start registration / transfer procedure.
Once you have successfully completed domain registration or transfer it will appear in customer dashboard. You will see updated number on a domain tile on the main page of your dashboard, as well as domain list in the domain section.
Now, you can start managing your domain by going to domain section of customer dashboard. You can find following blocks there:
Section 1: Domain list
Domain list displays all registered or transfered domains. It contains useful informations like:
- Domain Name - your domain name with icon of current SSL certificate status
- Next Due - date of the next domain renewal
- Auto Renew - status of automatic renewal feature. If enabled you will be charged renewal fee automatically and your domain will not expire.
To view details of your domain click the row on the list or use 3-dots icon and select "Manage Domain"
Main domain management page will be displayed divided into following sections:
- 1 Manage - set of tools for complete domain managing
- 2 Actions - links for basic domain related actions like renewing, registering and transferring
- 3 Info section when you can find the most important data of your domain
- 4 SSL info - if you have issued SSL certificate for your domain yet, you can find details about it here
- 5 Sortcuts - direct links for popular domain related actions. If you need further informations about these actions, please refer to description of part 1 and 2 of this section.
This sidebar menu contains links for the following tools:
- Overview - use this link to get back to the main domain management page
- Auto Renew - enable auto renew to have us automatically send you a renewal invoice before your domain expires.
- Nameservers - you can change where your domain points to here. Please be aware that changes can take up to 24 hours to propagate.
You have 2 options to choose from:- Use default nameservers - use nameservers set during registration process
- Use custom nameservers - set the custom nameservers addresses for your domain here
- Contact Information - every time you register new domain you are requested to provide up to date contact information. This information is displayed publicly in the Whois database to ensure that relevant parties can be reached regarding administrative, technical, or legal matters related to the domain name. If any of contact information has changed you can update it here. There are 3 types of contact information to provide:
- Registrant - this is the individual or organization that owns the domain name. You can select 1 of 2 ways to provide contact data:
Use existing account contact - use you account data of selected contact
Specify custom information - fill in the form to provide custom contact details
- Admin - administrative contact, this is the person or organisation responsible for managing the domain name. You can select 1 of 2 ways to provide contact data:
Use existing account contact - use you account data of selected contact
Specify custom information - fill in the form to provide custom contact details
- Tech - technical contact, this contact is responsible for the technical administration of the domain, such as DNS configuration and server management. You can select 1 of 2 ways to provide contact data:
Use existing account contact - use you account data of selected contact
Specify custom information - fill in the form to provide custom contact details
- Registrant - this is the individual or organization that owns the domain name. You can select 1 of 2 ways to provide contact data:
- Private Nameservers - this option enables you to create and manage custom nameservers for your domain (eg.,
Register a NameServer Name - use this option to assign your new nameserver a name and IP address.
Modify a NameServer IP - if you need to change your existing nameserver IP address, this option lets you do that. Just provide its name, current IP address and the new IP address you want to assign
Delete a NameServer - if you are not going to use your private nameserver anymore, you can remove it using this option. All you need to do is type in its name and press "Save Changes" button.
- Manage DNS - this section gives you ability to manage DNS entries of your domain. You add, modify or delete records here as well as export entire zone to TXT file.
If you access DNS Manager through domain section you will see the following screen:
Feature tabs - All features of DNS Manager can be accessed by these tabs:
- DNS Zones - please refer to this section for more information
- Bulk Management - you can create a task here to alter many DNS records for selected DNS zones at once. To do this, select zones you want to modify and press "Choose Action" button. Then select action type from dropdown menu, fill in the form and click "Confirm" button. The appropriate task will be created and scheduled for execution.
i If you have any trouble with figuring out what the record name should be, use your domain or subdomain name you are creating record for. Please note that you can use "@" sign for the main domain name.
- Tasks - list of tasks created in Bulk Management tab. Please note that actions taken in Bulk Management tab are not executed immediately. They create a tasks queue listed here. Task queue is run every 5 minutes. You can notice that every new task gets "Created" status and has 0% indicator of progress. Once task is completed status changes to "Finished" and progress indicator to 100%. For every created but not yet executed task you can use "x" icon to cancell it. For finished task this icon is inactive - you can not cancel completed task.
Record info - a bar with entries count and max number of record available for every record type.
Record list - this table contains all DNS records created in your domain zone
You can fully manage your DNS zone here by adding, editing or deleting records.
DNS Manager tool has one more useful feature. If you need to move your entire zone to another server, you can export all its entries to TXT file for future import. To do this click 3-dots icon next to the "Add Record" button and select "Export DNS Zone To TXT File In BIND Format" option. Save file dialog box will appear and you will be able to download your zonefile to your computer.
This section contains tools to perform basic domain maintenance activities like registering new domain, transferring domain or renewing expiring domain. To get further information, please refer to this section of this guide
Section 2: Sidebar menu
This section contains tools to perform basic domain maintenance activities like:
- Renew Domains - this link will take you to your cart where you can check all your domains, their expiration time and add to your cart those that are expiring soon. Now you can review your billing details and selected payment method and click the "Checkout" button to place an order. Please don't forget to accept Terms and Conditions prior completing your order.
- Register a New Domain - this link will take you to your cart where you can search for a new domain to register. Type in your domain name in the search bar and check if its available. Once you find your right domain name click "Add to Cart" button, check your billing details and payment method, accept Terms and Conditions and proceed to checkout to place an order.
- Transfer in a Domain - this option allows you to transfer already registered domain to us. Once a domain transfer has been performed, you will be able to manage it in our customer dashboard including renewal procedure. Please note that in order to complete domain transfer you will need AuthInfo code. You can get it from the current registrar. Transfer procedure will be initiated right after placing the order.
Section 3: Current offer banner
This banner is a kind of advertising section for our services. We present our latest offer that may interest you.