Description of installing web applications on purchased hosting through customer dashboard.
This guide describe alternative way of installing web applications on purchased Web App Hosting. The process of installing web application through customer dashboard requires to take the following steps:
- Server preparation - follow the first 4 steps of this guide to properly configure your server
- App installation through customer dashboard
App installation through customer dashboard
Whole app installation process described in this method takes place in customer dashboard. If you have completed server configuration mentioned above, there is no need to login to server control panel to install the app. All you need to do is to follow below steps:
Step 1 - Open application section of your service
Once you have logged in to your customer dashboard go to Services and click on Web App Hosting service to start managing it.
Step 2 - Go to Application Manager
Click the "Applications" tile in Manage Account to open the application manager.
You can manage your applications here. View the already set up applications along with backups, and install new ones. If this is you first visit here, the list will be empty.
Step 3 - Install new application
To install new application go to the "Install New" tab and select desired application.
Step 4 - Installation data
Fill in the form to provide all necessary information like site name and administrator credentials. We also recommend swithing the protocol to https, as we installed SSL certificate in previous step. If you want application to be accessible through your domain name leave "Directory" field blank. If an application requires database to work, don't forget to provide its name. Database with given name will be created during installation process. At the end click the "Install" button to begin installation.
Once the installation is completed you will see your application on the list in "Applications" tab. You can access your app by visiting your domain.