Description of accessing detailed Plesk server documentation.

Plesk control panel is a powerful tool for server managing. It has a lot of options and features and can be confusing on a first sight. Fortunately it is very well documented. If you are not sure how to perform certain task i Plesk, follow this guide to get access to this documentation.

Step 1: Login to Plesk control panel

To get access to full Plesk documentation, first login to its control panel. You can do it by clicking Plesk tile in customer dashboard of website. It's located on a service management page.

Step 2: Accessing documentation

After clicking on this tile, new tab will open in your browser and you will see a dashboard of your server contol panel. Documentation link (question mark icon) is located in the upper right corner of the screen.

Please note that the link mentioned above links to the full server documentation. It contains all features described, administrative ones included. If you want to limit documentatnion for customers features only click the link below.

Plesk Customer Guide

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