Detailed description of using promotion codes
Promotion codes are a way to offer our customers discounts and special offers. If you get one you can use it in a basket to apply the discount. Please note that every promotion code has its own conditions. This can include a relevant product, discount amount or even billing cycle. Please read the terms and conditions of the promotion before using the code to be sure that your purchase meet its requirements.
To apply a promotion code simply add a relevant product to the basket and in the right column click a link "Have a promo code" located below the order summary. Then paste your code and "Apply" button.

Once a code is applied and your purchase meets all promotion requirements you will see discount amount in the promo code box.

If you applied a code and discount amount is equal 0, you will see the following message at the top of the screen:
If you applied a code and discount amount is equal 0, you will see the following message at the top of the screen
That means you have selected product or options that don't meet promotion requirements. Please read the promotion terms and conditions and make sure that:
- you have selected a promotional product
- you have chosen the right billing cycle
- promotion code didn't expire

After choosing a proper product and its options a discount will be applied and you can proceed to checkout to complete your order.