Quick guide of Uptime Kuma tool configuration.

Uptime Kuma is your trusty companion for monitoring website performance. This powerful tool keeps a vigilant eye on your website, alerting you instantly if there's ever a hiccup in its availability.

Step 1: Creating admin account

To start using your Uptime Kuma instance navigate to the address you provided during ordering process (your_address.uptimekuma.io). If this is your first visit, you will be asked to create an admin account. Please provide your admin username and password and click "Create" button. If you did not provide your address in the notes field when placing your order, please do so by creating a ticket in our help system.

When you visit your Uptime Kuma site again, you will be able to log in.

Step 2: Main dashboard

Once you create an admin account and login, you will see a main dashboard of Uptime Kuma tool. This is the place where you can find status of all your monitored servers with a quick stats and event log. Since you haven't configured any monitor yet, there is no data to display.

Step 3 Adding new monitor

Now you can add your first monitor. To that just click the "Add New Monitor" button located in the left top corner of your dashboard. A form will appear and you can start provide details of your service you want to monitor.

General section

The first part of the form to fill in is General section. It contains basic information of your service and monitoring parameters:

  • 1 - Monitor type - choose what type of service you want to monitor. For any service based on web page, select Http(s) option.
  • 2 - Friendly name - name your service here. It will be displayed in Uptime Kuma dashboard.
  • 3 - URL - provide URL address of your service.
  • 4 - Heartbeat Interval - set the interval in seconds how often your service will be checked. This setting affects the period statistics are displayed for.
  • 5 - Retries - Maximum retries before the service is marked as down and a notification is sent.
  • 6 - Heartbeat Retry Interval - frequency of retry interval if service is not not responding.
  • 7 - Request Timeout - the time after which the service is considered as not responding.
  • 8 - Resend Notification - set the number of tries after which next notification will be sent.
Advanced section

You can set some advanced parameters of your monitoring here, like: certificate expiry notification, ignore TLS/SSL error for HTTPS websites, max redirects allowed before the site is considered as down or accepted status codes. You can also add assign a monitor group or add description here.

Notifications section

In this section you can configure a way you receive a notifications if your service is down. Select desired notification channel and provide all necessary details to activate it.

Other sections

If you need to configure more advanced options like proxy or http options or authentication, you can do it here.

Once you are happy with your settings, click "Save" button at the bottom of the form. This will add your service to monitor and it will appear in the main Uptime Kuma dashboard.

Step 4: Viewing statistics and editing settings

In you have your service properly configured for monitoring statistic will start to appear. You can click your service name on the left panel to display them. In addition to viewing statistics, you can also edit your service settings on this page as well as pause monitoring, clone service or delete it.

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